Julie Thom
Bonjour! I’m so happy you’re here!
I am a highly educated Wellness and Movement coach who is passionate about helping you optimize how you move and live.
I love puzzles. I love the challenge of taking something that is dynamic (the human body) and figuring out how to optimize it. I was injured a lot during my career as a swimmer which was most likely the catalyst that started me on this path. When I graduated high school I had the option to have surgery to fix my shoulders, but I decided against it. My dad is a naturopath so I chose to explore “alternative” ways to allow my body to heal.
I began doing acupuncture, yoga and studying movement. 22 years later I am still obsessed with movement and the human body!
I absolutely love to travel. My parents were big travelers when I was a kid (and still are). As I have grown up, the travel bug has stuck with me. I have been to 6 continents with no plans to visit Antarctica. I already live in Canada and that’s cold enough for me. Did I mention I hate being cold! I love learning about cultures, people and history. I thought once I started a family we would not travel as much, but I was wrong. I am extremely grateful to share my love of travel with my three energetic kids.

"Julie is amazing!! I had a chronic knee problem and pain... physiotherapy didnt do much to correct it - only treat it. Julie diagnosed my problem within two sessions and determined it was from my back and core. After seeing Julie two to three times a week for 6 weeks my knee issue was completely resolved... a massive relief after 8mths of pain. I EXTREMELY RECOMMEND JULIE... simply an amazing experience. I will never go to another trainer; she understands strength and movement better then anyone I have ever met."

Chris L
"Julie gets it! She knows that there is more to keeping us active and moving than just doing it! Her decades of professional expertise in the science of movement and overall well-being allows her to meet you where you are at! Her personal and custom approach is incredible. She can help you to figure out what's stopping YOU from your best YOU!"

Terri E.
"You are providing actual healthcare, teaching these important topics in a hugely relatable way."

Jennifer G.
"Julie is amazing, over a year ago I was taken by ambulance to the hospital unable to move, it was not the first time my back went out but it was the final straw, since then Julie had worked with me to strengthen not only my back but my way of thinking about moving, breathing and just normal day to day activities, I thank her everyday I get out of bed and am not worried about blowing out my back, I needed to make the decision to stop the insanity and she has taught me how to do it. I would give her 1 million stars if I could."

Marla B.
"I have been active all my life. I was a runner and when my knees began to fail, a committed walker. Then all those age-related issues hit and it became increasingly challenging to complete any exercise program due to back and knee pain. My mind was willing, my body not so much. My daughter, who is a client of Julie's suggested I give her a try and I am so very grateful that I did.
Julie's expert knowledge of kinesiology and how different areas of the body function have helped me to resume walking 7 km at a time (working up to 10), absolutely pain-free.
Into my sixties now, I am also starting to lose some of that annoying weight that has been so resilient to loss.
Also, having been diagnosed pre-diabetic a couple of years ago, my sugar levels are down and I do not need meds!
The best part....I can follow my personalized program anywhere I happen to be and be accountable through regular online contact/videos. Even here in Florida.
If this all sounds familiar, give Julie and Fitomize a try. I guarantee you will not regret it."
